For brands looking for all-in-one solution for brand management

4K Lottery Box
Self Installation without iPad
- 4K display
- Microphone Support
- Tech can remotely login to hardware HARDWARE: 4k
- Tech can remotely access the device
- 4k HP computer (refurbished)
- 1 DVI to HDMI Cable
- Wireless Keyboard
- Wireless Scanner
- Wired Scanner (Refurbished)
- Microphone
- 25′ Ethernet cable
- Shipping & Handling
One time payment $500/= only
Fire Stick TV
Self Installation without iPad
- HD display
- No Microphone Support
- Tech cannot remotely access the device
- Fire Stick
- Wireless Scanner
One time payment $150/= only
DISCLAMER: We don’t provide support for hardware not purchase through us Doesn’t include TV (we suggest you purchase this from local electric store for warranty reasons). We don’t provided installation (we will guide you over the phone) and Hardware is not refundable.
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Lottery display with inventory management, ad management and all features. See all the features, get answers to your questions, and get your 1st month on us.